Photography, do you ever stop learning?

8 Sep 2005
I know the title of the thread may sound a tad silly, but lately I have made some really important discoveries and learning points in photography regarding exposure, lighting and metering that have really given me some "Eurekaaaaaaaa" moments.

Do even you Pro's or advanced amateurs still come across things that make you go: "Ahhhhhhhh", or have you reached a point where everything is just instinctive in almost every situation?

if not, what have you learnt lately that changed the way you take photographs? :)
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The importance of context to set the scene. In practice this means I try to get a nice as possible picture of all venues/locations in a set of pictures. Before I would grab a picture of the venue/locations, but wouldn't necessarily dedicate too many brainwaves to it.

Also how to do star trails.

Yeah, I saw Cosimos star trails in the photo thread... they were pretty damn epic!
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