Photography gig last saturday - Photos

11 Dec 2003
Helensburgh, Scotland
So I was asked to take photos for the night for a club in Glasgow called Ivory Blacks becuase they had managed to convince an African (Congolese) Celebrity (musician obviously) to perform at their club.

Anyway, the actual photography side of it that was entailed was a nightmare for various reasons I won't go into (yet probably) :p

Anyway here is the album from the night...


For anyone actually interested, the guys name is AWILO LONGOMBA. The picture of him at the end of the album, is with a group called the Fugees United who have the singer Nikita on the xfactor in the group (but obviously she was in london that night).
MacX said:
Ah well.. I only just got here. ;)

Was this your first gig with the new Nikon or were you using the Fuji? That way I know whether I can befuddle you with another one of my technical comments. :p ;)
Yousure took your time huh? 200 views :p

It was my first gig with the new nikon and sigma flash.

11 hours i was "working" there in total and I had to pretend to be a journolist and interview this famous Congolese singer at the table in a restuarant in Chinatown Glasgow while he was eating his food! Only got 100 squids for the whole gig :o
themask70 said:
That looked great btw, i would have done anything do be in your shoes, i love the whole journalism side of photography. I like the shots in your gallery, they do have a good paparazzi feel about them, i really like the last three shots of the whole band, they have lots of attiude to them. The only thing i would have done is to adjust the colours in some of them because they dont quite look right, some of them look too red.
That's becuase the red light was a lot brither than the others in the club. I even desaturated some of them.

The group at the end is called Fugees United, Nikita from X-Factor is in that group, obviously excluding the main guy (Awilo) who is obviously jsut a solo artist.

MacX said:
"Working"??? Does this mean you were partaking of the available refreshments?

If yes then well done! You're on the way to being a true pro! :D ;)

I really should have! All I drank was water (oh and 1 redbull to keep me going!)
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