Photography website

19 Oct 2002
I'm looking to do a website where I can post my photo's and do a photography blog etc. I used to update my website but it was a very basic and not easy to update very well. That said I found that when I was doing a sort of blog/updating my site it gave me something to aim for and as a result I was taking more photo's, something I haven't been doing so much of lately.

Now ideally I'd like a website designed the way I want it but to pay someone to make a website for me would be expensive. When I was at the Focus on Imaging show last week I picked up a leaflet from Zenfolio and I'm wondering if something like that will be my best option.

Therefore I was wondering if someone could make any recommendations? is this my best option and if so are Zenfolio any good or are there better??

I don't know if this changes anything but I already have a domain name and website space hosted by another company.

Thanks in advance!!
A lot of people use Wordpress. I'd rather design it myself for just a portfolio though to be honest, and have a fiddle in dreamweaver.

That said, for a blog, I'd probably rely on an additional service such as WP

I actually have Dreamweaver CS6 as part of the Master Collection but it would take me to long to learn how to use it, time I would rather spend mastering Photoshop etc. If time wasn't an issue I would definitely go down that route.

The website I have/had I did using the basic Wordpress default given with the host but I pretty much messed it up :(
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