Photoshop Battle - Mural'a'thon : Submission Thread



18 Oct 2002
*** The Mural ***

*** Participants:
  • nim
  • qeffects
  • overtone
  • tommo uk
  • boz
  • dean3d
  • gurdas
  • agentsmith
  • unclebob
  • tom
  • *****
  • callousness
  • dj binks
  • bloo_fish
  • uni
*** Rules:


> size = 800x400 with 150 pixel of the previous image blended into your own

> theme = none as such but if there is a logical progression that would be nice

> time limit = 48 hours or 72 in exceptional circumstances


please use this thread only for submission of the finished article, use the discussion thread for all other banter, thanks :)

******************************** - the full mural can be found here
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And there we go, think it was some Russian that said sometimes we gotta get back to what we know ;) Tried to keep it fairly neutral on the blending edge, if the next participant wants the .psd to help, feel free to ask.
i cant continue anymore right now as i need to get some food :p
so i thought i'll just enter it now unfinished, not like it was gonna change much anyway lol.
i was lost for ideas too :D

wall of game just made me think .. game of death, bruce lee.. and the lines made it more appealing so it was first thing that came to mind

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Tried to stick with the theme, but thought I'd go more for a mood piece rather than pseudo vectors this time. :D

[edit 1]

Damn - just noticed I've completely misaligned the overlap. &%^!%^"%!!!!!

I'll fix it.

[edit 2]


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Right then, i'm pretty much done. May I please apologise now for the quality of this piece in comparison with the others. I was really stumped for ideas and i've got to admit this is quite rushed. Nevertheless, it's fitting to the theme and something to work on from.:)

Sorry i feel i have let you guys down, i couldnt think of nothing to do so my g/f came up with this, i admit it was rushed as you can tell
dont use it if you feel its too n00bish :( i tried my best i didnt want to hold the rest of you lot up!

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