Photoshop Half Page Advert size - Is it A5?

4 Feb 2004
Probably a daft question but a friend has asked me to knock up a very basic advert they want placed in a magazine (full size magazine so I assume A4) which is being used to support a local charity event. Could someone tell me what size I need to use in Photoshop? I assume I'll need to leave the outside 3mm edge free from anything for 'bleed' purposes as far as printing it is concerned?

Are there any templates I could use which show the bleed required for a half page advert?

Ta muchly. :)
Not a daft question :)

However, magazines come in all sorts of dimensions - and rarely A4. Find out who the publisher is and look on their website/email them for artwork specs.

Also: Use InDesign - or even Illustrator - rather than Photoshop if you're able. It's much more suited to the task [creating print-ready PDFs, text remains vector etc].
Will do, I'll check the exact dimensions required. I've dabbled with Illustrator but don't use it much so I was just going to use PS as I'm lazy and know my way around it fairly well. Will have a play with Illustrator first. :)
The publisher should definitely provide specs for something like this, since it can vary from place to place.

Don't forget to convert your text to outlines before exporting to avoid any font rendering issues.
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