photoshop help

12 May 2005
Ripon, North Yorkshire
am looking to use ps to create a vector type image on a drawing that i did ages ago of a warhammer 40k blood angel but i have very little knowlegde of ps and i was wondering how i go about it devart linkage here is the picture that am meaning nothing special i no but i would like to have a go at this and try and make something special from it :)
if you want a vector image then it`ll have to be done in Illustrator not photoshop.
Tracing the images would be the easiest probably, just using the pen tool if i remember you can on a seperate layer create all lines that are replicas of the warhammer character ones.
google for tracing image illustrator tutorials, there should be loads :)
You can sort of do it in Photoshop, but it would be far easier and better to do it in something like Illustrator. Simply copy the drawing of the space marine, lock the layer that its on, create a new layer, and use the pen tool to draw a vector around it. Start by blocking out the main colour, then switch that layer off and create a new layer above and add shading. Rinse and repeat with shading, highlights and details. Then switch on all the layers, and hey presto a fully vectorised space marine. :)
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