Photoshop Manipulation Help!

12 Jan 2003
York (+Lboro +New Malden)
Hey guys!

I'm slowly getting my head around my new camera (s9500) but I really, really, really, don't have a clue about editing what I shoot in Photoshop.

What would really help me is for you to edit these two photos (for fun :p ) and tell me what you've done:

I was trying to get the 3 colour contrast

Trying to get a woodland/greenery feel

Also - I was shooting (stupidly) a lot of high contrast (light wise ie sky/ground) shots and suprise suprise the sky was hugely overexposed. Is the best way to get a decent shot in these conditions shoot 2 different expostures for sky and ground and then blend them?

CSGAS said:
Also - I was shooting (stupidly) a lot of high contrast (light wise ie sky/ground) shots and suprise suprise the sky was hugely overexposed. Is the best way to get a decent shot in these conditions shoot 2 different expostures for sky and ground and then blend them?

Either that or expose for the sky and then bring the ground back in Photoshop.
I've just had time to play around with the first,

quick feathered mask for just the sky

knocked up the brightness+contrast + saturation + hue slightly positive

same again for the grass, just added some contrast to bring out the texture

then used the trick I was shown yesterday to duplicate the layer, set it to overlay and blur it slightly for a slight 'bloom' effect

The ground to tree mask was just a straight line so not perfect, but you get the idea - I don't know if this is what you were after....

I had a quick few miniutes having a play.


Larger version available.
adjusted the curves after a base level reset. Duplicated the layer to delete half of one and fine tune the forground and using the burn tool, stroke some shadows into the forgeound to give an effect of wind blown.

mixed in some new greens for the trees.

Darkened the sky.
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Fstop11 said:
adjusted the curves after a base level reset.
Darkened the sky.

I really like what you have done, it's splendid!

Would you please clarify "Adjusted the curves after a base level reset", I don't know what you mean by base level reset?

Auto Levels maybe?
Belly said:
I really like what you have done, it's splendid!

Would you please clarify "Adjusted the curves after a base level reset", I don't know what you mean by base level reset?

Auto Levels maybe?
yes auto levels :P Opening up the levels tool and there is an automatic adjustment in there. Then I made my personal adjustments.
paradigm said:
Only had time for a quick play. If you like the results I can detail what I did:


Thats it! Its got a real fresh look to it - exactly the look i'm looking for!

Tell me how!
again just doing what the others did really; messing with curves, duplicate layers to bring out the colours a bit more. also messed with the greens in the trees to highlight them a bit.

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