Photoshop my new erection please

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
Hi folks,

I erected my new aerial at the weekend and as you've been so kind before, please can someone photoshop out the parts I've highlighted in red, just to give me a lovely clear sky background.

I have tried, I select the areas I want in photoshop and select the content aware fill but it seems to repeat some of the nearby stuff.

Note that the vertical aerial on the left goes in front of the main bow tie section of the other aerial so it'll need a little bit of cloning once the vertical is removed to make it look right.

Normal comedy pictures are accepted but don't be rude ;)


Here's a small version showing what needs removing.


And here's it is bigger (I've taken the full size one down as this has been completed already)

Don't even need Photoshop, Magic Eraser would do this easily on Pixel. Can't down the image though gives an error.
You did something that didn't need removing and missed another bit :p
I know this for a bit of fun, but seriously, have you not tried the new AI tools in Photoshop? Makes doing stuff like this ridiculously easy compared to the past. I fired it up last night and with no prior experience with Photoshop I was able to add/remove objects quickly and it looked amazing
I did try the content aware fill with little success. I really ought to learn how to do this sort of thing properly because I've been paying for my own Adobe licence for a few years now.
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