Photoshop My New York Skyline At Night - Novice

19 Mar 2005
Hi there just got back from a 5 nights in New York and just checking me photos. At the top of the empire state building I took a good/average picture for my ability (novice) and camera (pentax s5i). Well good for my poor usual ability. I would like to make this poster size or large so I can frame it. Have seen in this forum many people touch up photos and make them look better, I know I am expecting miracles to make this pic as good as some of yours. Just wondering if anybody could get rid of the white blodges on the right hand side and generally sharpen up the image.


The Full Image Here

Would be a great help if any of you guys could do this or give me any help except get a better camera :p. Your opinions are valued

Would be great if you could help me out.
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lol I tried doing it this afternoon and i was tearing my hair out, hopefully some white splodge expert will come along and remove them.

Cheers for your attempts guys, if you wanna give it another bash your more than welcome to.


MarkLP :( I feel the unhappiness, hate it when photoshop crashes when your working
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DRZ said:
CBA trying to get rid of any white splodges but:



Its a bit pinker than I would have liked, ah well :p

Looks really sharp and how I would want it, would it be possible to have the image without the black border and to full aspect ratio so somebody else could try and get rid of the splodges?


EDIT: Maybe a little too pink compared to the original I agree
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