Photoshop Question on Text

18 Oct 2002
In over my head
I need some help please.

I would like some text to form a circle. I have found to tool to make it into a arc or fish eye but not a circle. Does anyone know how I can do this?

You can use the elipse tool to make a circle then with the text tool selected move it to the line and it will let you type in a circle, for the elipse shape hold down the icon under the text icon to choose it.
you need paths to be selected on the top toolbar

(I seem to remember reading this might only be a photoshop cs onwards feature though)
I think your right, because there was a point a few years ago typing in circles couldnt be done by photoshop yet could easily be done in paintshop pro. I do remember an update of typing in circles though, but not sure which version, but begining of CS versions sound about right.

Amazing what boredom can produce :D

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