Photoshop tip needed :)

28 Aug 2006
Hi, I'm using Photoshop x64 CS5.

I need a tip. I want text to be coloured with a gradient, instead of a solid colour. I also need to preserve the alpha channel data in the font type also.

Here is a preview of the font.


Any help appreciated, thx.
the default style/gradient overlay works fine, so long as you're flattening it into a layer that doesn't already have styles applied.
So somewhere it's losing it's transparency on the edges. What exactly are you doing?

You're probably not applying the layer effects to each layer, which will cause the layer effect to apply to the merged layer.
The same layers, flattened to a coloured background:


and flattened to a transparent background:


Hmmm, its looking ok now. I must need to clean my contact lenses :(
I always have a transparent layer at the bottom, that clean with nothing added to it.

Thanks for the tip, tho. Its just what I needed.
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