Looks alright, nice try, its always good to do these things when learning because you will pick up a few things along the way.
Only thing I would say is that its a little too dark now. If you want to spice it up a little with some light highlights maybe copy the layer she is on, blur it gaussion blur about 8 I think, then set that layer above the rest and change it to "screen", will add a bit of bloom to her. Change the opacity to make it less bright.
Also the background, if you go back to the main background, that dark red swirl you have going there, try add in some more shades of red (I can only see one) and give it more life. I always find that I can come up with nice pictures by accident, after doing all the layers you can play about with the layer options and change from screen to overlay to vivid light etc and see what combination produces the nicest image.