
6 Mar 2004
North Wales (Flintshire)
Hi all im looking at making a logo for a business idea. Now I went on one of these free logo things, but now they want to take £30 for a free logo.
Now my question is can I use photo shop to make a logo?
Also the logo has similar arch/curve to the one in the Ocuk logo, how would I go about making something like this?

Yes Photoshop can be used to make a logo. It's an extremely powerful tool.
If you have no previous experience in PS then I suggest looking at tutorials online. There are lots scattered around on the web, also check YouTube.
Don't use Photoshop to make a logo.

You want a vector file. Use Illustrator.

I would also suggest paying someone who knows what they are doing to make it for you. An amateur logo is likely to look amateur. Is this the image you want to portray for your business?
As above, you want to use illustrator or similar. Inkscape is free and very similar.

Definitely worth paying for a professional to make your logo though.
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