Photoshoppers..make my contact card better

1 Dec 2004
If your willing to have a look i can send the .psd file via e-mail.

basically i want the BASC bit at the bottom, moved to the bottom right, and i want a green bar all the way across the bottom, with the BASC bit at the right.

I want the graphics on the card blended in abit so it aint so stuck out, to give it a more real look. Maybe change the heading text to something better, but also something thats easier to read.

Maybe include (aswel as the pigeons) a rabbit or 2 or maybe even a fox roaming around on the crops.

If you could have ago at it for me i would greatly appriciate this. Im an IT Person but my graphics work is limited :p

Also maybe a better border.
no no no wait

ill have to phone up work then get them to e-mail it to me, the latest one is in my user space.

will e-mail you the correct one, as i have everything i want in one psd.
not too sure on the positioning of the animals, pigeon is not the right one, im after wood pigeons. Border has gone which i wanted to keep, fox looks good but it needs to look abit more blended in.

Prefer the pigeons i had on there previously as they were flying about.


the basc bit is good
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