PHP - Array sory

5 May 2004
Northern Ireland

I have any array below, and I'd like to sort the participants array based on the FastestLapTime in the attributes array within the participants array in PHP but I can't seem to work it out. Does anyone have any ideas?

  "result" : "ok",
  "response" : {
    "state" : "Running",
    "name" : "TGC_NCC_Prac",
    "lobbyid" : 109775242071612398,
    "joinable" : true,
    "max_member_count" : 32,
    "now" : 1432393004,
    "attributes" : {
      "GridSize" : 32,
      "MaxPlayers" : 32,
      "Practice1Length" : 0,
      "Practice2Length" : 0,
      "QualifyLength" : 0,
      "WarmupLength" : 90,
      "Race1Length" : 1,
      "Race2Length" : 0,
      "Flags" : 263192,
      "Privacy" : 0,
      "DamageType" : 3,
      "TireWearType" : 6,
      "FuelUsageType" : 0,
      "PenaltiesType" : 0,
      "AllowedViews" : 0,
      "TrackId" : -907901266,
      "VehicleGroupId" : -1300724070,
      "VehicleModelId" : -554602958,
      "DateYear" : 2015,
      "DateMonth" : 4,
      "DateDay" : 7,
      "DateHour" : 12,
      "DateMinute" : 0,
      "DateProgression" : 1,
      "ForecastProgression" : 1,
      "WeatherSlots" : 1,
      "WeatherSlot1" : 888299130,
      "WeatherSlot2" : 888299130,
      "WeatherSlot3" : 888299130,
      "WeatherSlot4" : 888299130,
      "GameMode" : -1958878043,
      "SessionState" : "Race",
      "SessionStage" : "Warmup",
      "SessionPhase" : "Green",
      "SessionTimeElapsed" : 3495,
      "SessionTimeDuration" : 5400,
      "NumParticipantsValid" : 2,
      "NumParticipantsDisqualified" : 0,
      "NumParticipantsRetired" : 0,
      "NumParticipantsDNF" : 0,
      "NumParticipantsFinished" : 0
    "members" : [
        "index" : 0,
        "refid" : 52224,
        "steamid" : 76561197967372717,
        "state" : "Connected",
        "name" : "Blackvault",
        "jointime" : 1432389462,
        "host" : true,
        "attributes" : {
          "VehicleId" : -1770401008,
          "LiveryId" : 60,
          "LoadState" : "ADMIN_STARTED_RACE",
          "RaceStatFlags" : 1073751268,
          "Ping" : 17
        "index" : 1,
        "refid" : 59841,
        "steamid" : 76561198089530706,
        "state" : "Connected",
        "name" : "ChrisP79",
        "jointime" : 1432389477,
        "host" : false,
        "attributes" : {
          "VehicleId" : -1770401008,
          "LiveryId" : 67,
          "LoadState" : "CLIENT_READY",
          "RaceStatFlags" : 1073784037,
          "Ping" : 52
        "index" : 2,
        "refid" : 23618,
        "steamid" : 76561198195616982,
        "state" : "Connected",
        "name" : "sgmack20",
        "jointime" : 1432392382,
        "host" : false,
        "attributes" : {
          "VehicleId" : -1770401008,
          "LiveryId" : 67,
          "LoadState" : "CLIENT_READY",
          "RaceStatFlags" : 1073751141,
          "Ping" : 40
        "index" : 3,
        "refid" : 34179,
        "steamid" : 76561197960405504,
        "state" : "Connected",
        "name" : "Martin G Webb",
        "jointime" : 1432392560,
        "host" : false,
        "attributes" : {
          "VehicleId" : -1770401008,
          "LiveryId" : 51,
          "LoadState" : "CLIENT_READY",
          "RaceStatFlags" : 1073751045,
          "Ping" : 42
        "index" : 4,
        "refid" : 63748,
        "steamid" : 76561198030665694,
        "state" : "Connected",
        "name" : "hobbnob",
        "jointime" : 1432392950,
        "host" : false,
        "attributes" : {
          "VehicleId" : -1770401008,
          "LiveryId" : 62,
          "LoadState" : "UNKNOWN",
          "RaceStatFlags" : 0,
          "Ping" : 47
    "participants" : [
        "attributes" : {
          "RefId" : 52224,
          "Name" : "Blackvault",
          "IsPlayer" : 1,
          "GridPosition" : 1,
          "VehicleId" : -1770401008,
          "LiveryId" : 60,
          "RacePosition" : 4,
          "CurrentLap" : 0,
          "CurrentSector" : 0,
          "Sector1Time" : 0,
          "Sector2Time" : 0,
          "Sector3Time" : 0,
          "LastLapTime" : 0,
          "FastestLapTime" : 0,
          "State" : "InGarage",
          "HeadlightsOn" : 0,
          "WipersOn" : 0,
          "Speed" : 0,
          "Gear" : 0,
          "RPM" : 0,
          "PositionX" : 108430,
          "PositionY" : 28130,
          "PositionZ" : -15770,
          "Orientation" : 179
        "id" : 0
        "attributes" : {
          "RefId" : 59841,
          "Name" : "ChrisP79",
          "IsPlayer" : 1,
          "GridPosition" : 2,
          "VehicleId" : -1770401008,
          "LiveryId" : 67,
          "RacePosition" : 2,
          "CurrentLap" : 9,
          "CurrentSector" : 1,
          "Sector1Time" : 33392,
          "Sector2Time" : 102101,
          "Sector3Time" : 36393,
          "LastLapTime" : 135222,
          "FastestLapTime" : 134932,
          "State" : "Racing",
          "HeadlightsOn" : 0,
          "WipersOn" : 0,
          "Speed" : 158,
          "Gear" : 5,
          "RPM" : 6540,
          "PositionX" : 230830,
          "PositionY" : 25560,
          "PositionZ" : -201910,
          "Orientation" : 77
        "id" : 1
        "attributes" : {
          "RefId" : 23618,
          "Name" : "sgmack20",
          "IsPlayer" : 1,
          "GridPosition" : 4,
          "VehicleId" : -1770401008,
          "LiveryId" : 67,
          "RacePosition" : 3,
          "CurrentLap" : 0,
          "CurrentSector" : 0,
          "Sector1Time" : 0,
          "Sector2Time" : 0,
          "Sector3Time" : 0,
          "LastLapTime" : 0,
          "FastestLapTime" : 0,
          "State" : "InGarage",
          "HeadlightsOn" : 0,
          "WipersOn" : 0,
          "Speed" : 0,
          "Gear" : 0,
          "RPM" : 0,
          "PositionX" : 87570,
          "PositionY" : 28200,
          "PositionZ" : -15700,
          "Orientation" : 181
        "id" : 3
        "attributes" : {
          "RefId" : 34179,
          "Name" : "",
          "IsPlayer" : 1,
          "GridPosition" : 3,
          "VehicleId" : -1770401008,
          "LiveryId" : 51,
          "RacePosition" : 1,
          "CurrentLap" : 3,
          "CurrentSector" : 3,
          "Sector1Time" : 8399,
          "Sector2Time" : 64830,
          "Sector3Time" : 36325,
          "LastLapTime" : 134965,
          "FastestLapTime" : 134843,
          "State" : "Racing",
          "HeadlightsOn" : 0,
          "WipersOn" : 0,
          "Speed" : 130,
          "Gear" : 4,
          "RPM" : 6758,
          "PositionX" : 343590,
          "PositionY" : 26300,
          "PositionZ" : 14740,
          "Orientation" : 294
        "id" : 4


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