php decreasing number in database without letting it go below 0

11 Oct 2008
Hey guys,
I have some code for a game, which works like this. Theres a little battle on the screen, and when its over. the game awards the charater with some money. It takes this money from the game bank.

at the moment, the money is generated by rand (1,10) and if the bank has less that 1 money stored. It doesn't award the character with anything. However, if there is 3 coins in the bank, and the rand rolls a 5, the bank then goes into -2 coins. Is there a way to make it only deduct a 3 to bring the bank to 0 and not minus. Sorry if I have made a mess of the explanation. Heres the code I have so far.

if (($enemyHp <= 0) && ($activeBattle =="yes") && ($gameMoney >=1)) {

    $moneyWon = mt_rand(1, 10);

    $id = 1;
    $sql2 = "UPDATE money SET characterMoney=characterMoney+?, gameMoney=gameMoney-? WHERE id=?";
    $statement = $connect->prepare($sql2);
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