PHP / Domain / Hosting advice

6 Nov 2002
London UK
Okay now a couple years ago I used to have my own website, it was hosted by a friend of mine on a rented server and anything that I needed to do was easy, ie I’d ask him and he would sort it (domain names/hosting/server side scripting/webmail). :p

Anyway this is no longer available and I’ve just been making do with my Zen web space that comes part of my ADSL package but I now need a little extra and could do with some advice.

I’m looking to host a photo gallery which runs off PHP but Zen doesn’t support this for the standard ADSL accounts so it looks like I need new hosting.

So while I’m at it I thought I’d also register a new domain name to use with it and also if possible have my own mail server which I could access via a web front-end (I’m currently not able to access most emails providers from where I work and this would resolve that).

I’ve been looking at various hosting sites but I’m beginning to get lost with all the options and what I actually need to go for and setup.

Can anyone here point me in the right direction in terms to what I actually need and an idea of what it’s roughly going to cost?

Thanks for any help given, it's appreciated.
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