Php frameworks

19 Jul 2006
Just looking for thoughts on this. I have never used a framework in any of my projects. It's been a while since I have done any php but I want to learn more.

Now I'm thinking of making a web app where different users can log on with different permissions an then add records to a database and run queries from a database from a web front end. Would it be worth experimenting with a framework for this?

OK so I have started looking at codeIgnite as there's tutorials on nettuts+

i have never done any of the MVC stuff before but I think I am understanding it.

But before I go to far down the line and realise I cant do what I want to do.
Can I check. In codeIngnite there is the database config file where you put the username database and password and then then everything is handled for you.
1. how secure is this?
2. What if I want different users to have different permissions?
Im doing my project in codeignite just because there are tutorials on nettuts that cover most of the stuff i need to do.

But its a lot easier then doing it in bog standard php.
The only problem I had was the tut was for version 1.7 and I'm using 2.3??
So class blah extends model does not work it's changed to CI_model but other than that it looks straight forward not that I have done anything to tricky with it yet
emm from the tuts I have been doing the controllers are longer than the models.

Can you give in laymens terms what the difference is since they both contain functions.
I understand the view bit thats just putting it all together and displaying it.

In my example I have a function called create_member() one of these is in the model and takes the information and puts it in a database but I also have a create_member() function that lives in the controller that vadidates the user input ??

Also I now have a site that people can login to or sign up to with a members only area. With in the members only area I want to allow them to view records from a database and update them. Is it best to make these as new models and controllers just to separate things out?
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