PHP gods, after a bit of help

18 Oct 2002
Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham
I have a table with properties. By default I want to show properties by certain category but i'd also like the ability to limit the results based on min and max price, min and max bed, area and keywords.

Now I can select by catID easily enough but it's handling the other stuff when dealing with a PDO prepared statement.

In my head I realise i'm going to have to use arrays but it's getting those arrays into the statement that i'm finding difficult.

For example, say I have the following options on the form:-

area 1
area 2
area 3
area 4


and I want to see whether the area is named out of 5 fields in the table. The addresses are laid out like

number / address1 / address2 / address3 / address4 / postcode

Now i've used LIKE before but it's the whole looping through the options thing which confuses me.

The current query is simple and I want to convert this into a prepared statement

$q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM props WHERE property_visible = '1' $catid ORDER BY $orderby $limit");

if a specific catID is required then catid is
WHERE catid = '1'

Any ideas, suggestions?
you can just tag all your arguments on the same line:

WHERE catid = '1' AND (number LIKE $area OR address1 LIKE $area OR address2 LIKE $area OR address3 LIKE $area OR address4 LIKE $area OR postcode LIKE $area)

If the options on the form are not mandatory, you'll need to include some IF statements to check if the user selected an option first.
This StackOverflow sounds similar what you're trying to do:

How are you defining the 'area'? It could get more complex depending on how you are storing the 'features' for the properties too.

For example if you're using the city name (address4), you'd do like this:

SELECT * FROM properties WHERE address4 IN ("London", "Manchester", "Birmingham") LIMIT 20;

(ps. this is not so much a PHP question as a database design / SQL question)
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