PHP help please

6 Aug 2004
Hi, im new to php (very new, infact 2 days new) and i am even newer to online ordering, but i was recommended to try out oscommerce.

Everything seemed to be going ok, i was starting to get the hang of the way it works etc.

Then i decided to try and edit the php code for contact_us.php. I went to file>save as, then saved the contact_us.php to my harddisk, which also made a folder called contact_us files. I thought this was a decent way of making a backup.

So after trying to edit contact_us.php, then uploading it, i got a nasty error when trying to load contact_us page on the site. So i thought i could simply re-upload the 'backup' of contact_us.php from my harddrve.

But it now wants its images in a completely new folder (called contact_us files).

Can some php guru please help me out, as im scared im going to have to start over again from scratch, and id like not to do that.

Thanks soo much in advanced.
The site is here - EDIT - REMOVED
contact Us link on the bottom left side.
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I just loaded the site using firefox, clicked contact us, then saved the page.


Surely, it should be looking for its images etc in the same places as what index.php are looking at ?
Yer i use smartFTP to upload my files. But for some reason i had the genius idea hat going to firefox and simply going to file>save as was just as good to backup that particular file.

Am i stuck with this and need to start from scratch? Or is there a was to fix it ?
Cheers for the help so far guys.
Download OScommerce, unzip, upload the contact_us.php page again.

I tried it, and i get the following message now. EDIT - REMOVED

Not to be harsh, but you really shouldn't be trying to setup an online shop if it's a serious project and you have no clue :/

Im not actually running it, im just setting this up. Ok i havent done it before, but at the end of the day do you need to know php to sell items ? Once this is setup, it should all be fine. I dont see any reason why it wont work. Ill only use paypal methods to start with for security reasons.
Thanks though anyway.
But it didnt work :(
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I am so new to php, but i was able to fix the problem and you dont know how good i feel. Thought i lost it all then :eek:

All i did was install a second oscommerce script on a different server, logged into admin and went into the "define language" bit, copied all the contact_us.php php language, and pasted it into my mxmadness one.

I dont know how the langauge works yet, but i was able to fix it :D
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