PHP/MYSQL - Querying 2 tables where ID are Same Then Presenting The Results

19 Mar 2005
Hi there,

Got a simple problem, i have two tables one for players and one for playerRankings and from these table i want to select the followng fields:

players: playerID, playerName

playerRankings: pRankingsID, pRplayerID, pRankingScore, pPrevRankingScore

So i devised this SQL query to pick them up

SELECT playerRankings.pRankingsID, playerRankings.pRplayerID, playerRankings.pRankingScore,	 playerRankings.pPrevRankingScore, players.playerID, players.playerName 
FROM playerRankings, players 
WHERE (playerRankings.pRankingsID = players.playerID)

I think this is correct, if not could you tell me whats wrong with it.

I then tried to enumerate this in php to try and get it to display the ranking list with the points and player names beside them and I cannot do this. So I would like some help in how to fix this. My code is below it would be great if someone could tell me where I am going wrong and how to fix it.

require('db_connect.php');	// database connect script.


	$query  = "SELECT playerRankings.pRankingsID, playerRankings.pRplayerID, playerRankings.pRankingScore, playerRankings.pPrevRankingScore, players.playerID, players.playerName 
						 FROM playerRankings, players 
			   WHERE (playerRankings.pRankingsID = players.playerID)";
	$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error()); 

	if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
	//No rows
} else {
	//Start enumerating
	while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
		print "<div>" .
		"<p>" . $row["pPrevRankingScore"] . "</p>" .
		"<p>" . $row["playerID"] . "</p>" .
		"<p>" . $row["playerName"] . "</p>" .
		"<p>" . $row["pRankingsID"] . "</p>" .
		"<p>" . $row["pRankingScore"] . "</p>" .

		echo $pPrevRankingScore;
	echo $playerID;
	echo $playerName;
	echo $pRankingsID;
	echo $pRankingScore;

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