PHP or Server Date/Time DST Issue

3 Jun 2005
The South
Brains a bit frazzled so i'm assuming i'm being a little slow but the situation/issue is - i have two servers, same PHP version on both (5.2.17), same timezone (Europe/London) on both which is set correctly via php.ini, both report that we're current in DST/BST and give the current GMT difference but when outputting the time, one is running an hour slow. :confused:

Is it likely to be a simple case of system clock error, with one possibly being UTC/GMT and the other being corrected for DST/BST (unfortunately i don't have SSH access to either servers otherwise i'd check)?
Although i've always assumed if the timezone is set correctly within PHP then date functions automatically counter for any DST offset :confused:

Cheers for any help!
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