Php output

24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
I have a fairly simple mysql database that has a number of fields.

I have writtens some php to display the data from the database seperated by field. This is okay. (i.e. in a table).

What I'd like to do is have someway of dynamically choosing which fields to output (javascript?).

I.e. Say the database contains fields 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

I'd have check boxes under the headings 1-5 and the user can chose what fields to output. I.e. if 1 and 3 ticked only, then only the data from fields 1 and 3 would be outputted.

Second question, at the moment I am displaying the data echod in php to plain text, however I'd like to give the option to 'download' the data as a text file... any ideas?

Cheers guys
Right. I've got the script to output based on a prewritten query and am working on making it dynamic now...

However I have the most stupid question. I have the form on one page, how do I make the script output the query results to a new window?
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