Hi folks,
I'm trying to use the PEAR libraries for some of my PHP. I have a Linux Fedora Core 3 dedicated server that i'm using. PEAR is installed and configured properly it seems. However, I cannot use any of the PEAR library files. For example, the following code gives me this error:
/usr/share/pear/DB.php does exist, and has "rw-r--r--" permissions (644) as do all the other PEAR classes in that directory.
Any idea what's going on? Here is a PHPInfo() for reference:
I'm trying to use the PEAR libraries for some of my PHP. I have a Linux Fedora Core 3 dedicated server that i'm using. PEAR is installed and configured properly it seems. However, I cannot use any of the PEAR library files. For example, the following code gives me this error:
ini_set("display_errors", "1");
Warning: main(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/share/pear/DB.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/tmp:/home/default/ in /home/default/ on line 5
Warning: main(DB.php): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home/default/ on line 5
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /home/default/ on line 5
/usr/share/pear/DB.php does exist, and has "rw-r--r--" permissions (644) as do all the other PEAR classes in that directory.
Any idea what's going on? Here is a PHPInfo() for reference: