php percentage help

11 Oct 2008
I have made a 'health bar' for a simple browser game i have been working on.

I want to use a background image to fill the health bar, so if for example, the player had full health, the health bar image width would be 100%

is it possible to say set, the characters max health and the characters actual health and work it out as a percentage so i can stretch the image width as far as it needs to go?

sorry if i haven't been too clear, my understanding of maths is not so good.

Thanks for any tips.
edit: so i this working now


that works but returns the percentage with lots of decimals. is there a way to round the result up?


in real terms i think it would be something like this.

'current health' divided by 'max health' times 100 = percentage

im just not sure how i would do that in php
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