[PHP] preg_replace problem

12 Apr 2004
I want to replace all instances of a certain character sequence, say A, that occur either at the start of a line or after a sequence of A beginning at the start of a line.

Using | and > as an example characters, this:

|some text
||some more text
|||even more text

...should become this:
some|text| (these ones aren't replaced as they're not at the start of a line)

>some text
>>some more text
>>>even more text

Can anyone help me? I'm useless with regexes :(
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jdickerson said:
str_replace("|", ">","$string");

That will replace all instances of |, whereas I only want to replace either instances that are at the beginning of a line, or immediately follow a sequence of |s that starts at the beginning of a line.
Inquisitor said:
That will replace all instances of |, whereas I only want to replace either instances that are at the beginning of a line, or immediately follow a sequence of |s that starts at the beginning of a line.
So yes, I did miss the plot :p

It has been a long time since I did php, but in Ruby, /^|/ would identify a beginning occurence (I think).

Edit - an easy way would be to tokenize (string->array) on ' ' (space) and with the first value "|||even " do str_replace("|", ">","$array[0]");
psyr33n said:
EDIT: Whoops, bad idea: use /^ - start of string.
Yeah that's what I tried but it doesn't handle repeated character sequences though :(

I've come up with this, though (jdickerson's post gave me the idea):
// Normalise new line characters and split by line.
$text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text);
$text = str_replace("\r", "\n", $text);
$lines = explode("\n", $text);

$sequence = '>';
$replacement = '>';
$sequenceLength = strlen($sequence);
$replacementLength = strlen($replacement);
$processedLines = array();
foreach ($lines as $line)
	// Process the line.
	for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($line); $i += $sequenceLength)
		// Test the current part of the string to see if it matches.
		$segment = substr($line, $i, $sequenceLength);
		if ($segment == $sequence)
			// Replace.
			$line = substr_replace($line, $replacement, $i, $sequenceLength);
			// Modify counter accordingly so that the loop continues at the right place.
			$i += $replacementLength - $sequenceLength;
			// We've reached part of the string that doesn't match the sequence, so stop processing.
	$processedLines[] = $line;

$text = implode("\n", $processedLines);

It's rather crude and (very) long-winded but it does the job. Would be nice to be able to do it all with a regex, though, if anyone knows how :)
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Inquisitor said:
Yeah that's what I tried but it doesn't handle repeated character sequences though :(

I've come up with this, though (jdickerson's post gave me the idea):

It's rather crude and (very) long-winded but it does the job. Would be nice to be able to do it all with a regex, though, if anyone knows how :)

Quite long winded, but is it worth redoing it if it works? :)
$str = preg_replace_callback("#^(\|+)#m", create_function('$s', 'return str_repeat(">", strlen($s[0]));'), $str);

(You can probably do this in pure regex but I DON'T CARE)

*returns to his exile*
robmiller said:
$str = preg_replace_callback("#^(\|+)#m", create_function('$s', 'return str_repeat(">", strlen($s[0]));'), $str);

(You can probably do this in pure regex but I DON'T CARE)

*returns to his exile*
Works perfect like. Thanks!
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