PHP script to detect handheld devices

2 Aug 2005

Does anyone know of a way to use PHP to detect if a browser is a handheld, and if so direct the browser to a different page (for example website/portabe) for a seperate portable version of the site?

I have added a CSS file with media="handheld" to make the current site compatable, but I want people on handhelds to access a different site with cut down content especially for people on the move.
The only way i've seen this done so far is with libaries...but this seems as pain as they have to be reguarly updated, and could be missing browsers. Why can't there just be a header element which tells the server whether its a mobile or pc browser lol. Would be a lot easier!
buld yourself an array of known handheld user-agents and then use:


$array = array(/* known hand held user agent strings go here */);

if (in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $array)) {

For a quick and easy answer.
JonRohan said:
Dude, you have answers to EVERYTHING.
:D Well credit for the find goes to a work colleague, as he was looking into doing this very thing a number of months ago but it was never fully implemented.
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