So I am currently running Pi-Hole on a Raspberry Pi. Absolutely love it and when I get my home server up and running, might move it to a Debian container. Anyway, I digress - I am not able to get IP addresses to resolve to hostnames unless I actually edit the /etc/hosts file on my Pi. I am sure there must be a more elegant way of doing it!
So this image from my Pi-Hole web interface shows what I mean. I would like the local IP addresses to show their hostnames instead:
However localhost and vanguard resolve if I edit my Pi /etc/hosts file and then reboot:
According to the Pi-Hole web admin GUI, I should be able to achieve what I want by using conditional forwarding, which I have tried setting up as per the below image - is by EdgeRouter:
But that doesn't work. Here are what I think are the relevant parts of my EdgeRouter setup. First is the DHCP setup - I'm using one DHCP server for eth1, called 'LAN1':
I've set the domain name to be LAN1 below, with DNS1 to be my Raspberry Pi's IP address:
And below you can see the static IP mappings for some of the devices:
And inside the DNS wizard on my EdgeRouter I've got the various hostnames setup, as I think the names under the DHCP server configuration are just a 'simple name' and not actually the network hostname...
I don't get why it doesn't work and have reached as far as I can go Any ideas would be much appreciated and I've put it in the open source subforum as I'm hoping I'll get more help from here
So this image from my Pi-Hole web interface shows what I mean. I would like the local IP addresses to show their hostnames instead:
However localhost and vanguard resolve if I edit my Pi /etc/hosts file and then reboot:
According to the Pi-Hole web admin GUI, I should be able to achieve what I want by using conditional forwarding, which I have tried setting up as per the below image - is by EdgeRouter:
But that doesn't work. Here are what I think are the relevant parts of my EdgeRouter setup. First is the DHCP setup - I'm using one DHCP server for eth1, called 'LAN1':
I've set the domain name to be LAN1 below, with DNS1 to be my Raspberry Pi's IP address:
And below you can see the static IP mappings for some of the devices:
And inside the DNS wizard on my EdgeRouter I've got the various hostnames setup, as I think the names under the DHCP server configuration are just a 'simple name' and not actually the network hostname...
I don't get why it doesn't work and have reached as far as I can go Any ideas would be much appreciated and I've put it in the open source subforum as I'm hoping I'll get more help from here