Piano lessons ? rough idea of costs anyone ?

11 Mar 2004
does anyone know firstly how difficult it is to learn to play and secondly, how many lessons per week would be required to really get it to properly sink in to my thick adult skull ? does anyone have any experiences of the costs of lessons ?
An experienced teacher with qualifications should be charging £20+ really, depending on your location, as with anything, down in London it'll be more expensive :p

An hour a week will be more than adequate. You must remember that a teacher can only show you the way, you've got to do the rest with practise, some people think that because they have lessons they'll magically improve, they won't, 99% of it is down to you.

Practise a little bit every day, rather than doing nothing all week then doing a few hours the day before your lesson.

Mostly, have fun, tell your teacher what you want to be able to do on the piano e.g play some pieces, be able to sit down and improvise, ask them to teach you with these goals in mind.

In terms of difficulty, anyone can learn to play an instrument to a high standard in my opinion. It will be difficult at first although I think keys can be quite easy to make progress on in the beginning. You've got to enjoy practising and seeing yourself improve in the early stages.
My girlfriend used to have them before going to college, I think they were about £8 or so for half an hour (i'll have to check them). She had lessons once a week.
As a rule, any music teacher will be charging £15-20 an hour.

But, a good trick is to find a local secondary school/college, there will be someone there who is really good at the piano and you can offer them £10 an hour or somthing to teach you.

I got someone to teach me the drums for a 4 pack of fosters a week.
at school i was paying 15 quid a hour for lessons, was worth it, as i can play all of greensleeves now.

seriously, don't EVER stop playing or you'l regret it.
When I was teaching, I charged around £15 per hour. Now I'd probably go for double that to avoid teaching beginners. Most found 30 minutes a week to be perfectly adequate, and even too long depending on how quick they were to learn and how much they didn't practice :p

I pay £8 for half an hour for my lessons, and my teacher is excellent - well I think so anyway. I've had 2 others that have charged me more and haven't been as inspiring. So the expensive teachers are not always the best. :)
Wow - the going rate is £26 per hour Private... In schools I get £22 per hour - thats after music service has taken their cut!!!

BTW Im a music teacher ;)
my piano teacher charges £22 an hour.shes quite a good teacher,very strict tho. im on grade 8 atm and teaches me really well altho i do get shouted at from time to time :p
jesta said:
my piano teacher charges £22 an hour.shes quite a good teacher,very strict tho. im on grade 8 atm and teaches me really well altho i do get shouted at from time to time :p

I never shout at any of my pupils - theres a way you can make them feel bad with out saying much :D
00bob00 said:
seriously, don't EVER stop playing or you'l regret it.

I worked my way up to Grade 5 of 8, and then stopped. Haven't played for 15 years, and yes, I regret giving up. :(

Will relearn in my own time though :)

I was paying 3.50 per half hour. (Well my parents were)
Vegetarian said:
I never shout at any of my pupils - theres a way you can make them feel bad with out saying much :D
yeah i know what you mean,when i use to play the violin my teacher doesnt shout at me when i dont play,she just makes me feel guilty by saying "oh" in a disappointed voice :(
I found a brill way of getting my students to play scales....

In schools I normaly teach 3-4 at a time.

Instead of someone playing a scale zzzz - all 4 does it one after another...

first puple will play a C, then next will play a D, next puple E... and so on.

If anyone makes a mistake and plays wrong notes... they have to do forfits... Like playing scale in corridor between classes as other kids walk past....

My pupils love it - its total fear factor for them!
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