[PIC_THREAD] All Things Macro, Micro

30 Sep 2008
Instead of posting in the other one for wildlife, thought a dedicated thread for macro was needed.

Below Nikon Z6 II with Laowa 100mm f2.8 2X Ultra Macro. Flower from our garden, as usual no idea what it is :cry:.


This little g*t was probably the one who ate all my brussel sprout leaves last year :mad:.
Not so cute when you get a good look. Was in the house this week so quickly got the gear ready.

It was kind enough to stay still for some so so stacking before LED light bothered that huge eye of it (barf.gif).

Nikon Z6 II with Laowa 100mm f2.8 2X Ultra Macro.


Incredible work! I can't imagine how much work that must have taken. Was it just natural light?

Thank you! LED light on it's left hand side, maxed out. Such a pity the cat squashed it's face in, I wanted a front centred shot. Got the urge to shoot insects right now, misses is out tomorrow to may go garden hunting with small net and judo chop to the neck.
Thank you! LED light on it's left hand side, maxed out. Such a pity the cat squashed it's face in, I wanted a front centred shot. Got the urge to shoot insects right now, misses is out tomorrow to may go garden hunting with small net and judo chop to the neck.

Must admit I never considered adding a cat to my macro bag!

I tried macro flash when I first started out, but the results were nothing like as natural as that.
With my trusty net, cat and a bit of luck i've been on the hunt again. 2nd one is abit nightmareish, not for the faint of heart.




Bonus fly
These are really fantastic! Were the all captured with the Laowa?

Yep, all with the Laowa 100mm f2.8 2X Ultra Macro but for the insects a lot of extension tubes to increase magnification futher, some generic brand from the rainforest.

By far the best thing was a cheapo shutter release cable, saved a lot of shake/wait frustration using the touch screen or shutter button on camera.
Yep, all with the Laowa 100mm f2.8 2X Ultra Macro but for the insects a lot of extension tubes to increase magnification futher, some generic brand from the rainforest.

By far the best thing was a cheapo shutter release cable, saved a lot of shake/wait frustration using the touch screen or shutter button on camera.

Thanks for the info, it's been so long since I've taken any photos, but beautiful macro photos always grabs my attention.
Very Good Macros in here. WHY do some of you post your images SOooooooo LARGE ?? Is a bit off putting. A little smaller like 1000 pix or 1400pix would be far better to look at surely. Just saying, as a photographer myself I don't find it useful to post such large images on the internet as they are Full On your Face.
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