Incredible work! I can't imagine how much work that must have taken. Was it just natural light?
Squashed dragon fly face (barf.jpg), brought in by the cat. 26 images stacked.
Thank you! LED light on it's left hand side, maxed out. Such a pity the cat squashed it's face in, I wanted a front centred shot. Got the urge to shoot insects right now, misses is out tomorrow to may go garden hunting with small net and judo chop to the neck.
These are really fantastic! Were the all captured with the Laowa?
Yep, all with the Laowa 100mm f2.8 2X Ultra Macro but for the insects a lot of extension tubes to increase magnification futher, some generic brand from the rainforest.
By far the best thing was a cheapo shutter release cable, saved a lot of shake/wait frustration using the touch screen or shutter button on camera.