Picked this up today for my Anglia

18 Oct 2002




For the pricely sum of £300, it's knocking on boost, probably turbo gone or on it's way out. It's had a head rebuild with new gaskets and skim about 6k miles ago, but i'll be stripping the bottom end down and probably replacing big-end shells anyway, as well as checking head out.

The entire running gear will soon be stripped out, and it'll then be shoehorned into my Ford Anglia (the blue one in the background of the first pic) :)
Big ends going would still be noisy off-boost (albeit quieter), this is silent until the turbo spools up.

Probably lots of play in turbo, won't know until I strip it down.
Lopéz said:
Not really.
My 205 sounds fine under gentle driving but if you give it lots through a tunnel, or accelerate hard round a corner (causing the pressure to drop) the big ends rattle like crazy.

Knocking up a sump baffle and changing them this week as it's doing my nut in.
Fair enough.

Either way, I'm going to be stripping the bottom end down and inspecting anyway for the sake of a gasket set :)
I've got enough trouble getting him to help me with my own cars, let alone with an adopted brother wanting time, too! ;)

And he won't let me drive it anyway, despite my many attempts! :(
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