Picked up a Nikon D800. I have questions!

25 Mar 2007
Hi there, I have managed to pick my self up a second hand Nikon D800. It was advertised as "Condition 7" (Marks on the body, dirt in the view finder, paint rubbed off the buttons and the metering dial being stiff. Tho the sensor was clean). At £900 and the cheapest I'd seen one after looking at them for a while, I decided to pick it up and send it back if it was in really bad shape.

So it arrived in the post and I was overjoyed at its condition. There are 2 marks on the base were the smallest amount of paint has rubbed off, the dirt in the view finder was on the outside and cleaned out easy. All the paint on the buttons is as new, none rubbed off. The metering dial doesn't feel overly stiff. Inside its as clean as a whistle. So all in all I think I'll be keeping it.

My questions..

I mostly take landscapes and my previous setup was a Nikon D7000 and a Tokina 11mm - 16mm. I am aware I can use the tokina in DX mode and in FX mode use it at 15mm - 16mm (the worlds smallest zoom), but what sort of ultra/wide angle lens should I be looking at for the D800 ?

The D800 does not appear to have the same remote timer port as my D7000. Can anyone recommend a remote timer? and where does it plug in ?

Thanks in advance.
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