Pics from Vail

22 Oct 2002
Essex, innit?
Sorry I don't know how to resize...




I'm so jealous i'm almost glad your luggage isn't with you! Envy is just a cruel thing!
Windle said:
What's with the helmet? :/

Helmets are the latest slopes fashion accessory.

I think Vails great once you get in the back bowls, as it's surprisingly quiet compared to the front slopes.

Did you try anywhere else in that neck of the woods? I found Copper Mountain to be excellent but you never hear about it over here.

My god.. you look just like someone i went with on a boarding holiday last year..

Looks like great snow..

My sister and her fiancé just got back from Lake Tahoe.. they loved it.. especially the engagement part! :D
Jokester said:
Helmets are the latest slopes fashion accessory.

I think Vails great once you get in the back bowls, as it's surprisingly quiet compared to the front slopes.

Did you try anywhere else in that neck of the woods? I found Copper Mountain to be excellent but you never hear about it over here.


No fashion accessory. I've falled numerous times in the pipe or on rails and hit my head. I'm positive it's saved me quite a few stitches as a minimum.

The first pic is of the back bowls. They were by far the best part.

We tried Arrowhead, Beaver Creek and Vail.

Either Utah or heli skiing in Canada next year :D
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