Pics of my cable sleeving

3 May 2006
I did some Green UV sleeving on some cables today, pretty straight forward. Still need to change a few bits to make them UV green such as the IDE cables and the Zalman 9500 fan. Here are a few pics of the progress so far.


I was experimenting with some UV pain but it looks bad, need to scrape it off :)

In the top left hand corner there is a small fan that i put there to cool my mobo as this is the passively cooled Asus A8n32-Sli mobo.
I'm going to change that home made fan mount, I was thinking of using some UV reactive perspex but cannot find any at a decent price, only need a small bit.
Mikey1280 said:
Nice work, how long did it take?

It's very fast, I didn't need to take the plugs off as the sleeving did go over them even the 24-pin connector. Took me over a hour to do.
Mikey1280 said:
So you dont have to take the plugs off the molex connectors either? Did you heatshrink the ends? What size sleeving did you use, I am probably going to be doing this?

The sleeving kit came with 4 different sizes of sleeving and some very large heatshrink which i didn't use. I went for UV ties instead, much faster and just as good.
fini said:
can you post a pic in daylight with the side panel off - I'd love to see how exactly you've hidden loads of the wires - for me the v1100's been horrible with hiding wires.


There isn't much to hide. Appart from the mobo power cables I only have one cable going to the CD drive, floppy drive and my CD drive LED mod. The rest are just IDE and SATA cables. The GFX card does not need it's own power supply. The 3 HDDs are in the bottom compartment out of view. I have one of the first Tagan PSUs which came with a lot of cables of which I only use 2, the rest are left in the bottom compartment. I'll try to post some pics later.
yeah, that's the one I have, I thought about cutting some of them off at one point but not that they can be hidden away it's not as bad.
fini said:
can you post a pic in daylight with the side panel off - I'd love to see how exactly you've hidden loads of the wires - for me the v1100's been horrible with hiding wires.


Here is the pick with the side panel off

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