Pics of stuff we bought in August!

8 Oct 2006
All pictures must be ones you took with your camera/phone and not robbed from the internets.

A new month a new thread. Lets try and keep the "I bought some petrol" ones out though eh? CDs, DVDs, clothes, cars. Whatever it may be that is mildly interesting, show it off with your own pics and not generic ones you found on the web!

These bits arrived today, technically bought in July but I needed somewhere to start the thread!

A decent tile trowl, grouting float, a tile saw and the pan connector for the bathroom renovation.

Media centre PC. It'll mainly handle playing streams, iplayer/4od/youtube. Will also play media from the HP Microserver that lives under the stairs.

Ahh so you are using that as the player and have the microserver for storage?

I just built a shuttle to put under the TV with a couple of 1.5tb drives in. Our cupboard isn't big enough to get anything else in it :(
Its been a great month of some very interesting purchases guys. Thanks for contributing so far.

I'm at work on the 1st of September so the opening post for that one may be my lunch lol.
I like your floor Todge.

vinyl from carpet right. only cost £60 cos we have such a tiny bathroom hehe. Has the benefit of being completely water proof so now that the edge is also sealed up she can drip dry all she wants in there. Wife wanted tiles or laminate and I said no to both on the grounds of getting it up in the event of a leak being a pain in the ass. I'm really quite lucky that as soon as I give her a valid reason she backs off. A lot of women I know are not the same lol. Now if I can get get to attempt drying with a towel as she is getting out of the bath rather than pretty much just stepping out and walking around the house I might be able to move on to my plans for world peace and unlimited free energy.
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What did you lay under it? Any fibreboard or cushioning, to bring it dead level?

I laid some 4mm ply under it in 3 sections. One on its own under the loo, one under the basin and then a large one covering the rest of the floor. Then screwed that down with from 1/2" brass screws every 12" or so. Just laid the vinyl on top of that. It's about 4mm thick so its got quite a nice feel to it.

The 4mm ply was all from one sheet so it's all butted back together nicely with no discernible edges.

HPI are just as cheap :p

It's great to see that the HPI v Traxxas rivalry hasn't died down since the Savage v Revo days hehe.
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but it will get scratched easily :(

How? Are you living in a particularly windy and sandy area? are you rubbing your screen along the wall to save on sandpaper?

Once its been hooked up there is no reason to touch the screen so how can it get scratched ><

Nice screen too, I have the same.
oh noez, everyone hates my wrapping :(

it doesnt actually bother me

oh and Todge, i have the non-LED version, what settings are you using?

Ah sorry I assumed it was the LED version. Why didn't you get that one out of interest? And I've no idea what settings I have, i have a Spyder 3 pro though so its all calibrated by the profile that generates.

That mattress doesn’t look very supportive.

It looks like our Millbrook matress and that is VERY supportive. It's like saying "that car doesn't look very fast" because its old/dirty. Its all down to springs, construction, base etc.
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