Pictures show in Chrome etc but not in IE9 - Please Help

3 Mar 2010
Sorted please close -

Hi Folks,

I am trying to learn HTML/CSS and so far so good other than a picture problem which I just cannot figure out. I dont have any pics on at the moment but if I try to add a jpeg or png etc they show up fine in Chrome, Firefox etc but not in IE9. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong please?:confused:

HTML Code:

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<title>Timothy Framework - Learning Tutorials and Video Courses</title>
     <meta name="keywords" content="Framework HTML CSS JavaScript dreamweaver expression web" />
     <meta name="description" content="A Professional Easy To Use Web Design Framework For Learning To Build Websites" />

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<div id="wrapper">
<div id="banner" style="width:900px;">

			<img alt="banner1" height="120" src="Banner%20900_120-psd.png" width="900"></h3>

<div id="bottom">
        <div id="topnav" style="width: 900px">
               <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
			   <li><a href="#">Members</a></li>
			   <li><a href="#">News</a></li>
			   <li><a href="#">Meetings</a></li>
			   <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
			   <li><a href="#">Scams</a></li>
			   <li><a href="#">Trades</a></li>

<div id="rightside" style="width: 225px" class="auto-style2">
			 <h3>Council Information</h3>
				 <li>Hot Topics</li>
				 <li>Standing Orders</li>
				 <li>012 Agenda</li>
				 <li>2012 Minutes</li>
				 <li>2011 Minutes</li>
				 <li>Useful Information</li>
			 <p class="auto-style8">Click any of the above links to see that 
			 information in a new window.</p>
			 <h3>Our Team Members</h3>
				<li>Kay </li>
				<li>David </li>
				<li>Ro </li>
				<li>Michael </li>
				<li>Trevor </li>
				<li>Liam </li>
				<li>June </li>
				<li>John </li>
				<li>Ian </li>

			 <h3>Our Location </h3>
			 <p class="auto-style8">We usually meet at the local School but this is subject to change from time to time due to unforeseen circumstances.  
			 To keep up to date with meetings; place and time, please see the Meetings page which can be found on the menu above. 
			 This will be kept up to date and as accurate as possible.
     <div id="content" style="width: 630px">
		 <h3>The Parish</h3>
     <p style="height: 38px">The Outwoods parish is a somewhat disjointed Parish within the Borough 
	 of East Staffordshire with some 1805 electors (figure correct as at 
	 			<p class="auto-style3" style="height: 16px"><strong>The Parish covers the following areas:</strong></p>
		 <p class="auto-style3" style="height: 3px">&nbsp;</p>
			<p><strong>Outwoods South:</strong></p>

			<li>Lower Outwoods Road</li>
			<li>St Georges Road</li>
			<li>St Margarets</li>
		 <p><strong>Outwoods North:</strong></p>
			<li>Beam Close</li>
			<li>Beamhill Road</li>
			<li>Fields Lane</li>
			<li>Forest Edge Way</li>
			<li>Furrows Drive</li>
			<li>Green Valley Drive</li>
			<li>Harehedge Lane</li>
			<li>Kitling Greaves Lane</li>
			<li>Outwoods Lane</li>
			<li>Rolleston Road</li>
			<li>Tutbury Road</li>
			<li>Forest Road</li>
			<li>Henhurt Hill</li>
		 <p>The Parish Council welcomes the input of its Parishioners and is willing to offer its assistance in an attempt to resolve any relevant issues that require attention/resolution.</p>
		<p>Please contact the Clerk in the first instance to report your concerns.</p>
		<p>We currently have 4 vacancies on the Parish Council in the Outwoods North division. Further information is available by contacting the Clerk if you have an interest in contributing to the work of Outwoods Parish Council.</p>
		<li><a href="mailto:%20%20%[email protected]">Please Click Here 
		to Contact The Outwoods Parish Clerk</a></li>
		 <p>If you would like to contribute to the web site or make any comments</p>
		 <li><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Please Click Here to send your message</a></li>

		 <h3>Any Other Business</h3>
          <p>A place for any other information to be placed.</p>
     <div id="footer">
     <p class="footer-text">©Copyright 2012 Outwoods Parish Council &amp; IMW54 Web Design<a href="license.html">  |  License</a></p>


<!-- Timothy Framework - -->

<!-- This work is licensed under the MIT License - -->

CSS Code:
/* Timothy Framework - */
/* This work is licensed under the MIT License - */

/* Color Legend */

/* Reset */

html, body { border-style: none;
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img 	{ margin:0; padding:0; border:0; }

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/* Text Elements */

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a:hover     	{ color: #AEAE5E; text-decoration:underline; }

blockquote  	{ color:#000; font-size:12px; }

strong      	{ font-weight: bold; }
em		     { font-style: italic; }

/* Images */

/* Lists */

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ol          	{ list-style-type:decimal; }

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ol li	     { color:#000; font-size:12px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }

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dt       		{  	}
dd          	{ 	}

/* Tables */

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caption 		{ 	}

tfoot       	{	}
.tfooter		{ background-color:#ccc; text-align:center; font-style:italic; }

caption     	{ background: #efefef; }

/* Miscellaneous */

sup, sub    	{ line-height: 0; }

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del         	{ background:#FFCECE; color:#f00; }

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/* Containers */

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#banner h3			{text-align:right;margin-right:0px;margin-top:10px;font-size:12px;}

#top-banner-text 	{ font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
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#top-banner  {display:inline}
#btm-banner-text 	{ font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
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#btm-banner			{  }					

#subbanner 		{ width:900px; float:right; }
#subbanner h2		{ font-size:22px; line-height:150%; margin-top:20px; }

#bottom			{ padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; width:100%; height:2px;
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#box3 {   }

#box4 {   }

#box5 {   }

#box6 {   }

/* Layout Extra */

/* Navigation Extra */

/* Forms */

form ol { list-style-type:none; }

form 	{ text-align:left; margin:20px;	}

label 	{ 
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submit	{ background:none; 	}

input 	{ 
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		border:1px #bbb solid; padding:5px; background:none; 
input:focus, textarea:focus	{ background-color:#BFEBFF; }

textarea {
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		border:1px #bbb solid; padding:5px; background:none; 

select { margin-bottom:20px;	}
.month { margin-left:155px;	}

.submit {
		width:90px; height:25px;

br		{ clear: left; 	}

.clear	{ clear:both; }

/* Miscellaneous  */

.copyright-text	{ font-size:80%; font-style:italic; color:#333; }
.footer-text		{ font-size:12px; font-style:normal; color:#333; text-align:center; }

.title			{ font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; color:#333;  }
.subtitle			{ font-size:14px; font-style:italic; color:#333;  }

.artist			{ font-size:16px; font-weight:bold; color:#333;  }
.author			{ font-size:14px font-weight:bold; color:#555;  }
.editor			{ font-size:14px font-style:italic; color:#555;  }

.pub-date			{ font-size:10px font-style:italic; color:#555; }
.article-date		{ font-size:10px font-style:italic; color:#555;  }
.location			{ font-size:10px font-style:italic; color:#555;  }

.float-right		{ float:right; }
.float-left		{ float:left; }
.clear			{ clear:both; }

.hide			{ display:none; }
.block			{ display:block; }
.inline			{ display:inline; }

.first			{ font-weight:bold; }
.last			{ font-weight:bold; }
.left			{ font-weight:bold; text-align:left; }
.right			{ font-weight:bold; text-align:right; }

.added      	{ background:#D7D7FF; }
.removed    	{ background:#FFCECE; color:#f00; }
.changed		{ background:#FFB; }

/* Success, info, notice and error/alert boxes - from Blueprint CSS Framework */

.error, .alert, .notice, .success, .info {
	padding: 0.8em; margin-bottom: 1em; border: 2px solid #ddd; }

.error, .alert 	{ background: #fbe3e4; color: #8a1f11; border-color: #fbc2c4; }
.notice			{ background: #fff6bf; color: #514721; border-color: #ffd324; }
.success   		{ background: #e6efc2; color: #264409; border-color: #c6d880; }
.info 			{ background: #d5edf8; color: #205791; border-color: #92cae4; }
.error a 	{ color: #8a1f11; }
.alert a 	{ color: #8a1f11; }
.notice a   { color: #514721; }
.success a  { color: #264409; }
.info a		{ color: #205791; }
Last edited:
I've not got IE to test. Does it work if you take it out of the div or header tags? src normally comes after img as well instead of alt that you've got although this shouldn't make a difference. What's it showing as in IE?

Hi, thanks for your reply.

I have just this minute uploaded the site and the banner pic is visible in IE9. I can only think it must be a bug in Expression Web 4? I have also installed the latest service pack but still dont show when using the preview in browser option, but on a live site they are there. I'm really baffled now.
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