Pigeon and rat

3 May 2012
Just thinking about how we all need to do our part to reduce carbon and being better for the environment and the eco system in general.

There are millions of rats and their flying counterparts pigeons around, particularly in London, but most cities, rabbits and other animals (muntjac deer etc) in the country considered "pests".

Why dont we eat these?

If I am honest, provided of course it was safe to do so, the thought of eating a pigeon and rat pie quite appeals. I like rabbit anyway, had it several times, so why cant you (easily) buy it here? You can in France.

In other parts of the world they eat insects as protein and this is more sustainable.

Seems crazy that our supermarkets are stocking prime beef which we know isnt great for the environment when there seems to be so many other things running around we could eat instead which may help out matters.

Would you eat rat and pigeon?

I understand all the reasons we currently dont, but dont we need to change our attitudes?
Pigeon is good theres not a lot of meat on it basically just breast and not much more so you need a few to make a meal.

Have you seen how many of them are around lol.

Also in general, I'm not saying completely ban beef or whatever, but we could cut down on the traditional farmed livestock and get creative on catching pigeons and rats.

If we substituted 80% of our beef/lamb/pork intake with rat/pigeon it would make a massive difference.
Have you seen how many of them are around lol.

Also in general, I'm not saying completely ban beef or whatever, but we could cut down on the traditional farmed livestock and get creative on catching pigeons and rats.

If we substituted 80% of our beef/lamb/pork intake with rat/pigeon it would make a massive difference.
80%! You’re talking complete crap.
if they became a staple food source they would be farmed just like any other animal, your still have all the wild ones plus those bred for food.
A big reason to farm in a controlled environment is dodging diseases and pests.

Every year a few people get emotionally distressed on finding out that wild caught fish can have diseases and worms or other parasites.
A big reason to farm in a controlled environment is dodging diseases and pests.

Every year a few people get emotionally distressed on finding out that wild caught fish can have diseases and worms or other parasites.

Indeed. I'd give rat a go, but not one that had been caught in a tunnel underneath London. Likewise with pigeon which is already widely eaten, but probably not the ones that trawl city centres for leftover McD's :p
Tried pidgeon, think i overcooked it and waa full of shot :(

Was wanting to try squirrel but the place i was gonna get it from stopped doing it

I like trying more exotic meats springbok was awesome, but think id have to pass on rat
Is this a troll thread? Its not feral pigeons people eat it is wood pigeons. I expected better in this forum section. I doubt there is much meat on feral pigeons and the fact feral pigeons eat sick off the pavement is a bit off putting surely.
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