
17 Sep 2005
4 day old piglet I'm rearing at home. Not the most co-operative model in the world but cute as cute can be for the 10 mins between poos....


Criticism welcomed :) Does the shallow depth work? Background/foreground straw too busy?
Awww....I love piggies.

If you poke your finger to the tip of their nose, they will wriggle it about like crazy (the nose) and usually make a wee squeak and skip about. :D Its great fun, at least until mummy piggy comes along to see what all the fuss is about....
Le_Petit_Lapin said:
Awww....I love piggies.

If you poke your finger to the tip of their nose, they will wriggle it about like crazy (the nose) and usually make a wee squeak and skip about. :D Its great fun, at least until mummy piggy comes along to see what all the fuss is about....

Tickle the mum a few inches from her front armpit and she'll roll over like an obedient dog, it's a special spot the piglets tend to prod with their snouts after birth when looking for a teat and causes an involuntary reflex in the sow to make her roll over in to the suckling position :)
Gungnir said:
Tickle the mum a few inches from her front armpit and she'll roll over like an obedient dog, it's a special spot the piglets tend to prod with their snouts after birth when looking for a teat and causes an involuntary reflex in the sow to make her roll over in to the suckling position :)

Lol....I'll have to give that a go next time I'm at the zoo. :p
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