Pike Fishing!

12 Sep 2012
Pike fishing season is almost upon us!

There is no official season for pike, however they struggle to recover after being caught in hotter months due to lower oxygen saturation in waters, so people generally fish for them more October through to April.

I dont know about any of you other anglers, but i am looking forward to it! I even have had a few goes at spinning in colder days this summer, after an exciting accidental catch on double tutti frutti boillie when carping.

Anyone else planning to target some pike or zander this year?
I have eaten pike in a restaurant in Molesey before, apparently the pike they serve there are British caught but who knows. Many people have said to me that pike tastes 'muddy' (though very few of them admitted to trying them) i found the taste fairly delicate, probably because most fish i eat grilled are sea fish, but i didn't find it in the least bit 'muddy'. I did find it a bit bony though but i don't really mind.

Those Finnish pike are absolute monsters compare to ours, despite being the same fish.
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