Pimax Virtual Reality Headsets pre-order

19 Oct 2018
United Kingdom

Pimax VR headsets are going to be ready for pre order very soon.

So a lot of people are probably still confused as hell with Pimax. The website hasn't been working for a long time. It was hacked, taken offline and started to direct visitors to porn sites and adding a virus to their PC's. I heard a few stories where people had to format to get back up and running. 5K+, 8K or 5K BE. The Business Edition was sprung up on the website without any introduction, apparently it's OLED and apparently it has PenTile pixel matrix (not the most desired compared to RGB).

The website has popped online, lots of broken links, broken English and lacking a lot of information. It started to be updated and more has been added.

1/ No details about warranty - ordering from China, what happens if it breaks?
2/ Couldn't add the Shipping Address to your account.
3/ No option apart from Credit card, which many are reluctant to add due to the site recently being hacked and unsecrure. PayPal was finally added which saves having to enter card details.
4/ Prices appeared, but no stock.
5/ A countdown clock at 0:0:0 appeared, then started counting down on the Chinese version.
6/ English version isn't loading currently, have been getting 502 Bad Gateway errors since it came online
7/ More options appeared, now the option to order each HMD with a RTX COLOFUL graphics card (Chinese brand), then the site went down again.
8/ A flicker of the long awaited Basestation(lighthouse boxes) and Controllers appeared, but I never managed to get the screenshot. Site offline again.
9/ Countdown timer disappeared, would have been due around about now at time of posting this.

Launch day and the site isn't finished. Lots of people asking questions and confused or dubious about this whole process. Pimax have the best intentions and the best HMD's for VR right now, but this launch has been insane.

Discussion threads:

Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Pimax/comments/9qzzz4/pimax_vr_hmds_are_showing_on_their_website_now/
Pimax Forums http://forum.pimaxvr.com/t/pimax-pre-order-will-launch-soon/9534/146
I decided to put together a spreadsheet containing prices of all the main PC VR headsets, a couple of GPUs and CPU's that I'm personally interested in. It shows launch and current prices. Might be of use to others. Enjoy.

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So much for launch day for Pimax. Website was hacked a while ago, viruses, directed to porn sites and now just on launch day with hours to go, the site has been up and down and hardly anyone could place a pre order. I'm out. I`ll revisit Pimax next year to see quality.

FYI my image above with the spreadsheet for prices of different headsets, I didn't include TAX + Shipping for the Pimax headsets. I could estimate, but I can't get the exact numbers as the site is constantly crashing.


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For those that might be interested...the original launch of the site was a shambles, however...

Nice! Pre order is now fully working! (at last).

Looks WAY better! It also should have been created a long time ago, not on launch day
People will be happy with this online shop and checkout process now. It's running smoothly too when navigating the site.

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