Pioneer PDP-LX5090 still any good?

No that was months and months down the line. The reason for the price was TLC Broadcast had the majority of the UK's stock (at the time) and as such got a very nice discount, which was passed on :) The sets certainly didn't drop in price when it was announced Pioneer was closing shop on TVs, in fact they become gold dust and many people were sorting after them.

But yeah OP, if you can actually get round to viewing it, then nothing to be lost, lots to be gained though if sound!
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Dam I need to buy the sound bar type thing from him as well for £100.... £700 all in seems risky.

He said he will offer me a deal.

Will keep you all posted!!

I notice the screen looks extremely shiny! Bet its a nightmare with any sunlight... Is the built in scaler good?
Still a stunning TV and I've not seen anything that would have me replace mine, other than a KRP600 :D

Seen a friends 4k fancy Sony thing and it looked horrible. There is the end of line Panasonics which are supposed to be truly awesome, but they'll be as rare as a Kuro now.
Probably one of the best TV sets you can buy. Considering the top of the range LG OLED offers similar performance, but is several times the cost, £600 is a steal.

They're built like tanks as well; very solid build quality. I don't know where the LX5090 was made, but my 8G Kuro was apparently made in the UK. Not something you see every day!
Still awesome... I haven't seen anything that beats one yet.

OLED should start getting competitive with them though.

Panasonics have been doing reasonably well, but I'd love to have a Kuro again - my favourite TV.
I have a KRP-600A which I purchased new just before Pioneer stopped making the TV's.

That was quite a while ago and no other TV's could touch them then and even now it stands up to all the new TV's. I used to buy Panasonic before that but when watching a movie with the black bars on top and bottom they always appeared as a dark grey which drove me mad, with the pioneer I could turn the lights off and not notice the bars at all the blacks were amazing!
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