Pirates of the Carribean: Dead mans Chest

25 Sep 2006
I saw this film shortley after it came out and found it very enjoyable. So I brought it on DVD for 2 reasons the DTS sound and the film itself, lol

Theres one bit of the film I never understood, even when I saw it at the cinema and watched it just now.

When Will Turner, his father, Boot Strap Bill and Davey Jones are playing a game onboard Davey Jones's boat, I never understood how exactly that game worked.

Obviousley they make a wager on what to play for. But the dice and the cups? And 'four fives' 'five fives' I just dont get it at all :confused: Are they guessing how many fives there are on the board or what? Sorry if im being a complete spanner.

Would somebody care to explain?


Benny C
I can't remember that part of the film much but as Nursie and slap ed say it is just a game of bluff. I was playing it for the first time at the weekend and you start with 5 dice under each players cups and then you increase either the quantity or the face value e.g. if someone says 4x5 then next in line says either 5x5 or can choose to say 4x6 or alternatively calls bluff/liar if they think the person has it wrong. There are various different rules about if you can call on exact amounts etc but the losing player from each go gets a dice taken away which alters the odds of any set combination coming up and you play until all players but one have no dice.

I hope that makes it a bit clearer. :)
ahh right, thats cleared it up, just didnt have a clue how it worked as it wasnt explained very clearley in the movie. Makes sense now. Thanks guys :)
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