Pirates vs Ninjas Party - Original Ideas?

4 Nov 2007
Morning all,

Trying to think of a spin on the theme, may as well venture to the OcUK hive mind while I'm at it!

Me and a mate were going to go as Scorpion & Sub Zero but can't find anywhere that sells them so it would mean making them ourselves. Which I'm not opposed to if I can find the right clothes to cut up.

Perhaps a modern day Somali Pirate?
Hmm Cyborg Ninja Pirate Jesus is looking very tempting, just trying to figure out best way to do the arm, got some old computer parts at work that I could attached to a ninja suit then but a sword & eye patch, stick an LED in it, pop on a jesus wig & jobs a good 'un?

Anyone have a good idea for the arm?
part of a childrens iron man costume maybe could work

Yeah just looking at optimus prime one now, spray it silver and away I go!

Go as yourself, then, when people ask what you came as, pull out a copy of Windows XP on re-writable DVD.

Hilarity ensues.


I was thinking of just getting a ninja costume then arriving early and hiding in a cupboard, jump out, do a pretend 'neck break' on a pre-arranged friend and run off.








Shin Pads + Paintball Gloves + Cut up motherboard = Cyborg Arm.

Will post photos on Sunday :D!

Jesus wig and ninja suit arrived today - impressed with ninja suit for £25, it's excellent!

Jesus wig makes me look very much like james may, need to flatten it some how.

Put 2 LEDs in the eye patch and 3 on sword handle, looks brilliant.

Will put it all on tonight for a test run :D
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