pizza vending machine

30 Sep 2009
so, my friend is over in italy atm and she has upped a photo of this which is what i would assume to be a pizza vendor. has anyone ever tried a pizza from one of these? i've never heard of them before but can only assume they don't taste great .... or do they?

I've seen this on tv once, was quite cool, its like a hand made pizza really.

EDIT: Check this video, its really just like a normal pizza :) I bet it tastes awesome.
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If it was me, I would just HAVE to give it a go. Hungry or not!

Looking at the website, looks fine, all fresh ingredients in there. 2.5 minutes ijncluding kneading, rising and cooking seems a bit short though!
i must admit, it would be pretty cool to be walking home from the pub and having the convenience of one of these on the way home. doesn't matter what it tastes like if you're blotto'ed.
There was a similar thing in Glasgow a few years ago. It was a room and lined all up and over the walls were hatches with pizzas in. You popped your money in, and opened a hatch and got your pizza.
They were made on-site but you couldn't really see the kitchen. They were tasty, cheap, and convenient. Closed down though. :(
There was a similar thing in Glasgow a few years ago. It was a room and lined all up and over the walls were hatches with pizzas in. You popped your money in, and opened a hatch and got your pizza.
They were made on-site but you couldn't really see the kitchen. They were tasty, cheap, and convenient. Closed down though. :(

Closed down or shut down? :p

In spain they had wee ham toasty vending machines, utter brilliance when your gassed out your face.
I can only imagine they're similar to the microwave pizzas sold in frozen food shops... palatable, if you've had a heavy session ;)

Reckon they're a lot better than your average Chicago Town. Everything looks like it's done from scratch.

They are popular in Italy. Surely they wouldn't be if they sold rubbish pizzas. Didn't think the Italians would stand for crap pizza. Especially seeing how many street vendors or what not there are there.
Looks like an expensive bit of kit. Wonder how many pizzas it would have to sell before getting into profit. And also wonder how prone to requiring maintenence it is (breakdowns or cleaning/bacteria an issue?).

But more importantly... That thing is almost the perfect woman.
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