Plagiarism @ Uni

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Hey all, just a quick question! A girl I know is just about to start her 2nd year at MMU in Manc. She had to resit a module last year as she failed it, and she recieved a letter yesterday from the Uni saying the module is being deferred due to Plagiarism.

It doesn't really say anything other than we'll be in touch sort of thing, now i'm going to phone up for her today at some point to find out whats going on, but she is ADAMANT nothing has been copied in it and is pretty stressed out about it all to be honest.

She is hoping they have got it mixed up at Uni as the work was a group assignment and so the work is likely to be very similar to one of her course mates who was in her group who had to resit it again; she has also recieved a letter saying the module is being deferred due to suspected plagiarism.
So I don't really know whether they think its suspected plagiarism of another students work, or plagiarism from text books etc.

Just wondering what the liklihood is that it is a mistake, and what Uni's stances are on Plagiarism now? When I finished Uni last year i'm fairly sure it was a case of if they suspected you of doing it you were thrown out of Uni.

Any help appreciated.
dont even copy from your own prior work!, only quote!, did she do a whole new set of work or did she re-use some from the year she failed, that can be said to be plagiarism.

Funny you should say that, because it was the same question they got issued to re-do, so both of them just got their old essays out and re-added to them with some extra new stuff. So a LARGE amount of it will be exactly the same as what they submitted the first time round.

This may be where they have slipped up if so! Just wondering what the process is now though, I mean it's probably being looked at but is she expected to continue with her 2nd year etc as normal? If she gets found out to be guilty and they don't expel her, then technically she won't have passed her first year so will they get them to resit it again, just seems a bit of a cop out if they allow you to resit it lol? Or would they hold them back a year? I don't understand really, going to have a scan of the MMU website to see if i can find anything.
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It might be until the first faculty board meeting if it has to go in front of them, like Ec's ect, understand this though they will sort this out either way for her to resume studies this new semester or be exited from the course.

Ah right, so basically she'll know whats happening before her course is due to start?
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