Planars with strongest bass

23 Feb 2009

I am thinking about picking up a pair of planars. Just wondering if anyone knows which ones have the best bass? Going low with defined rumble.
I currently have sennheisers with plenty of detail. I use jvc sz2000 for my bass music. All dynamics, so maybe it's time for me to see what planars are all about.

I saw you had ordered a pair on Head-fi, have you received them yet? I was saving up for a pair but pounced on the DT1990s at £340 and am more than happy with them.

Thanks, I've been looking at the lcd2's. You have any idea on the difference between the two you mentioned?
Classic owners i have seen who have tried the LCD2 and the classic say they prefer the classic more comfortable and better build quality and better sound for less money

Ok that's definitely peaked my interest. I will look into the lcd2c, I also prefer the look to the wood effect. Bonus.
Planars don't have strong bass they have linear bass. My HD650 has stronger bass than my LCD-2C but my 2C has more linear, textured bass. If you want bass power, heft then look into a dynamic like the THX00, ZMF range.

Yup I am aware that I'm not going to get anywhere near the same amount of bass as say my sz2000's with crazy eq. They have definitely satisfied my bass slam needs. First time in my life I can't handle it at high volumes :)
I probably should've worded my question better. I'm very interested in picking up a pair of planars as all my hp are dynamics (curiousity). I already have a few detail headphones. So i'd like advice as to which planars have the strongest bass for a planar, as that's the signature i'm leaning towards.

No, the LCD2C has plastic surrounds, NOT wood.

The old LCD2 had problems with the wood cracking as it dried out, usually around the input jacks.

Yep, I prefer the look of the plastic surrounds to the wood ones. I'm not really into the wood look, and tbh i'd eyed the lcd2 in the past but the wood was a thing that put me off :)
Also if looking at LCD2's I had both the pre and post fazor - the post fazor were a lot easier to drive, and even sounded pretty good straight out of my macbook pro without a dac/amp.
However the pre-fazor models needed quite a bit to drive them. I'm not sure if this is the same with the LCD2C's but is something to bear in mind. Also they are open backed and not really portable - so they are really for being sat at home listening to music/gaming due to their open backed nature.

Thanks for the advice, good points. However power shouldn't be a problem. These will be for my desktop setup :)
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