It's an add-on for FS2004 so you'll need to purchase that first. There's a lot more to flight simming than taking off flying around and attempting to land. Learning how to navigate without GPS is probably the most rewarding experience you can acheive. Mastering the systems of individual planes so you can take off from a cold dark state navigate and land is what the sim is all about and the reason why 3rd party add-ons such as the PDMG QOTS exist. It's a totaly different experience from your run of the mill shooters but is potentially more rewardig if you have the time and inclination.-=PLuKE=- said:PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies looks good worth a download?.
-=PLuKE=- said:I download normal Lock On and didnt really think it was that good TBH, Graphics didnt look that good and couldnt set the control up!
Azagoth said:You what? You're actually admitting to downloading an illegal copy of Lock-On? You do now that piracy is wrong don't you? I hope you get a bloody virus and lose your entire hard-drive!
Mine was from Amazon ages ago. The Lock On website may be of help. I would also recommend the manual, it speeds up the learning process.DEL 707 said:Where can u get lock-on, i've been trying to get the gold edition for awhile, every place is saying 1 week+.
Azagoth said:You what? You're actually admitting to downloading an illegal copy of Lock-On? You do now that piracy is wrong don't you? I hope you get a bloody virus and lose your entire hard-drive!
Le_Petit_Lapin said:IL2 Sturmovik + Aces Expansion Pack + Pacific Fighters (in a merged installation) would get my vote for very realistic physics and good old WW2 action....I don't like all these modern jet games. The multiplayer is also very intense.![]()