Planetside anyone still playing

14 Jun 2004
As title anyone still playing Planetside?
I came back to it after about 6 months inactivity and finding it enjoyable again :) also i see they upgraded the Rocket Rifle so its more versatile interesting thought that.
and the last Live event has to be one of the most interesting event for a while that i've heard about.
Yep LostCorpse on Werner Server :) part of the 3DRave crowd.
If you see an adundence or copses thats me trying to either A) Kill the VS/TR or B) Me running around trying rez/heal/repair ya all. K:D around 1:2
one of the newer things i like is the ability to creat a charictor from each of the factions on a seingle server much nicer now.

maybe we could organise a weekend online play? if theres enough interest.

unknown79, sorry i dont recognise any of those names, but its possable you TKed me a lot or just plain out killed me depending on who you played :_P
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