
13 Feb 2003
I was just wondering whether anyone is still playing this game anymore?

I was a member of the OCUK outfit on Werner, my character was Saterik and I used to play a lot. It's nearly two years ago exactly that I unsubscribed because I left the country for a while.

I'm really considering reactivating my account again as I really enjoyed the game. Just before I left they had just introduced the weird new planet map system and the new maps. I think the BFRs came in not long after I'd left the country as well.

Has the game changed much? I had a quick read around and some people are claiming the game has changed a bit, being much more vehicle based than it used to be with the big open troop battles of the past?
Well I had a bit of a play last night... I was suprised to see that my account was still active. I need to look into this further but I hope I haven't been paying an unused subscription fee for the last two years, as I'm positive I cancelled it.

What's involved in getting a BFR cert? Something to do with capturing bases in the caverns?

I like the new award merits, adds a little more to doing certain things.

I still don't like the new intersetella system and wish it was still the original Araxis map.

Does seem a little bit quieter than I remember it, but still lots of big battles going on.

I'm not sure who I will join now that OCUK is over. Maybe the outfit that Ostekake leads as they always seemed like good players.
Phog said:
I've only just started playing TR so it is difficult to judge which outfit is the best to join at this time. Whereas the VS and NC have a number of well defined successful outfits, the TR is a little more hazy. Just stick around for a bit and see which guys seem to follow your playstyle and then maybe join one of their outfits. I'd just get back into the swing of things a little and then join an outfit.

I agree, it's taking a little why to get back into the swing of things and recert the skills I used to make the best use of.
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