Planner/Task List Online

6 Feb 2003
I have an Excel sheet that is basically a wedding list of things to do, by who and by when.

I would like to put this online in a way that when each task is complete it can be marked as completed and also add any notes if required. Thus allowing the few people doing the tasks to be able to see what is done and left to do, a central file rather than each having their own copy then having to update 3 or more excel sheets to make sure everyone is on the right track and not doing work that has already been done.

I have a wordpress install so if there is anything via this would be really helpful thanks.
A Google Spreadsheet with edit permissions granted to the specific people who need to update, and view-only for everyone else might be the easiest way.
Look at something called Trello, made by FogCreek (the company who created FogBugz, an awesome bug tracker)

It's essentially HTML5 teacards online, really useful for stuff like this.
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